Quest for LEED Successful - Silver Certified
The incredibly talented group of people that made up this team joined behind the creative force of Jean Freeman, who started this process in July 2008 when she, a Professor at Marymount University was teaching sustainable processes in her design courses and decided to "practice what she preached". The team which consisted of the client and Primary Designer - Jean Freeman, her husband Warren Youngblood, Architects - Williams Design Group LLC, Structural - Price Consulting Engineers and Award winning Green Building Contractor - SAI Contractors.
The title, SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION applies to people, geometry, angles of the sun and becomes the major inspiration for the residence. One major objective for the design was solar panels either photovoltaic or solar thermal, on a south facing roof. In order to achieve this the house was to turn 6 degrees; the lot, which slanted off at an angle from the street, also suggested this angle. Warren’s requirement for a garage gave rise to a separation of the existing home and the new one. Therefore, the design concept became 6 degrees of separation. This concept was carried through with the hallway in the existing house, extending through the connecting bridge and on the north facing walls of the new building.
This project follows the guidelines of the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). We were successfull in achieving a LEED Silver Rating. |